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WBT: doing it for yourselfpixel.gif (807 bytes)

When CBT met the web
Battle of the BTs - CBT and WBT go head to head

Twin paths - routes to WBT developmentspacer
Going native - developing WBT the web way
Where to from here?
pixel.gif (807 bytes) Web-based training: doing it for yourself
by Clive Shepherd

WHEN CBT DEVELOPERS discovered the web, they saw the opportunity to add to their range of delivery channels. When web designers decided it was time to do some training, they saw this as yet another application for their existing technology. Two rather different perspectives, leading, naturally enough, to some very different approaches. So are CBT tools and techniques adaptable to web-based training or is it time for a rethink? Clive Shepherd examines the choices available to trainers and helps you to decide how you can do web-based training for yourself.

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