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Why training needs the intranet
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pixel.gif (807 bytes) Using the intranet to analyse needs
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THERE ARE MANY different approaches to needs analysis and not all of them will be greatly aided by an intranet. However, to the extent that you can gather the information you need through surveys and assessments, then you will find the intranet a useful tool.

It is relatively easy to generate web forms, using all of the familiar Windows input methods text boxes, push buttons, drop-down menus, check boxes and radio buttons. If you are using an authoring tool like Microsoft FrontPage, then it is also easy to have the data saved into a file format that you can read into a database, spreadsheet, browser or word processing package. If not, youll need a little programming help from the IT department.

You can use web forms in a number of ways:

  • to have an employee rate themselves against job competencies
  • to have a manager rate their staff against job competencies
  • to assess the degree of interest in possible training subjects
  • to assess learning style preferences (using something like the Honey and Mumford model)
  • to assess knowledge or understanding of a particular subject

Of course, you may require a system that integrates information on needs with other aspects of your HR system succession plans, competency frameworks, performance appraisals, business goals, individual learning plans and so on. In this case, youll either need to create a system from scratch or purchase an off-the-shelf system that utilises the intranet as a front-end. An example is HR Pulse from Nardoni Associates, Inc., which captures information about jobs, competencies and appraisals in an integrated database that can then be used to produce reports as an aid to decision making.

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