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Why training needs the intranet
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pixel.gif (807 bytes) Why the training department should take note
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THE TRAINING department has as much to gain from the intranet as any service department, probably more. Not only does the intranet provide them with the perfect mechanism for communicating with their customers, it also provides a means for delivering the service itself.

But even for those die-hards out there who have no time for computer-based training delivery, you will ignore the intranet at your peril. As I hope will be clear from this article, the work of the training department could not only be made more efficient with an intranet, but significantly more effective.

Heres an overview of what an intranet could do to lead training into the 21st Century:

  • supply every one of your customers with information about the training provided within the organisation, including dates and the availability of places
  • allow much training administration to be performed automatically
  • allow you to survey your customers on-line, including needs analysis and evaluation
  • provide a means to deliver computer-based training to the desktop
  • allow users to form learning communities to provide each other with support
  • provide managers with on-line access to your training records

In the following sections, well take each one of these possibilities further, starting with the first point in the training process, needs analysis.

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