Fastrak Consulting Ltd

Fastrak Consulting

Specialists in e-learning
and blended learning


The new learning architect

The Blended Learning Cookbook by Clive Shepherd The new learning architect designs environments for learning, taking advantage of the latest tools, technologies and thinking to help organisations meet the acute financial, time and environmental pressures of the 21st century.

Paperback version (240pp)

An ePUB version for the Apple iBookstore will be available mid-Feb

The Blended Learning Cookbook (2nd edition)

The Blended Learning Cookbook by Clive Shepherd The second edition of Clive's Blended Learning Cookbook is available in hard copy and e-book formats. Published in conjunction with Saffron Interactive, the book presents a way for trainers and teachers to analyse a learning need and to choose effectively from the ever increasing range of formal and informal media and methods at their disposal. More importantly, it provides imaginative solutions to a broad range of typical problems - solutions that will be readily adaptable to the reader's own situation. The new version has twice as many recipes so you'll never be short of ideas.

Download as a free e-book

Those interested in the use of informal, collaborative tools in blended learning might also like to take a look at Barbara's Tennis Holiday, a tale of blogs, wikis and podcasts (2006).

Barbara's Tennis Holiday (PDF 886K)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.

Fastrak On Tour 2011

Fastrak On Tour 2011 Learning Technologies, London, Jan 26
Informatology conference, London, Jun 21
International NGO Learning Conference, Oxford, Aug 8
Charity Learning Conference, London, Sept 15

Dates for 2012 to follow - watch this space

Learning about e-learning

What every learning and development professional needs to know about e-learning This 20-page colour booklet was written by Clive Shepherd and Laura Overton in 2009 to provide l&d professionals with an overview of the full range of possibilities afforded by learning technologies in the workplace.

The booklet is available as a free PDF download from Towards Maturity or in hard copy by request to .

Fastrak wins National Training Award

Fastrak On Tour 2008Fastrak, along with its client Plan International, and fellow providers LM Matters and 360 degree feedback specialists Track Surveys, have been recognised for their contribution in designing and delivering a highly-innovative international management development programme for Plan. The blended learning programme includes face-to-face workshops, live online web conferences, interactive online materials, collaborative group assignments, 360 degree feedback surveys and line manager coaching.

The 60-minute masters

The 60-minute masters CT Group's consultancy is proud to be a part of the 60-minute masters, a global collaborative project dedicated to enhancing the design skills of subject experts across various fields. Select the link below to see a narrated version of Clive's presentation at DevLearn 2007 in San Jose, in which he explains why it is that we need to equip a wider population with skills in design and how the 60-minute masters was conceived and moved forwards as a project.

The story of the 30-minute masters (yes, it was 30, now it's 60!)
Opens in a new window

The 60-minute masters outline and scripts

A free implementation of the 60-minute masters course

Clive's columns vols 1 and 2

Feel free to download and share these outstanding collections of Clive's columns on e-learning and blended learning. The columns in volume 1 were originally published between 2003 and 2007 in IT Training and Learning & Development magazines. The columns in volume 2 were originally published between 2007 and 2009 in e.learning age and IT Training magazines.

Clive's columns vols 1 and 2

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Now we are ten

Back in February 2007, Fastrak Consulting celebrated its tenth anniversary. Looking back, we were pleased to report that nothing much had changed in that nether world in which learning and technology interact ... at least not that much ... well, come to think of it just about everything. So, perhaps the next ten years would be a little quieter. Some chance.

The changes

Fastrak ten year timeline
(Opens in new window)

Ten years old February 2007


The blog: Clive on learning

Go to Clive on learning

So what is e-learning?

This presentation explores the range of applications for technology-assisted learning along seven dimensions: self-paced >>> real-time, expository >>> discovery, formative >>> summative, self-study >>> group learning, just-in-case >>> just-in-time, formal >>> informal, stand-alone >>> component. Requires Flash and audio playback facilities.

So what is e-learning? (Opens in new window - resize to suit.)

The following resource explores computer-assisted learning from a historical perspective. Requires Flash but no audio.

Technology timeline (Opens in new window - resize to suit.)

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 License. Downloadable versions of these resources can be provided .

About Fastrak Consulting

Although much of Clive's consulting work is now conducted through Onlignment, Fastrak Consulting Ltd remains a vehicle for Clive's individual consulting work. UK-based, but working internationally, Fastrak specialises in the application of technology to workplace learning and employee communications.

Consulting: Fastrak provides assistance to organisations of all types: corporate training and communications departments, public authorities, voluntary organisations, professional bodies, new media publishers or training providers. Here are a few examples of the sorts of projects we would be delighted to help you with:

  • Formulating a strategy for e/blended learning.
  • Assessing the feasibility of alternative approaches to e/blended learning.
  • Market/competitive research and analysis.
  • Cost-benefit, ROI and evaluation studies.
  • Learning needs analysis.
  • The top-level design of blended and e-learning solutions.
  • The coaching and development of training management and staff.
  • The development of 'how-to' and style guides.

We are happy to work alone, alongside your own staff or with other suppliers.

Speaking: Clive speaks regularly at major conferences, seminars and in-company events. He is also able to host webinars and virtual classroom sessions.

Development: Although Fastrak is not a production house, it can undertake smaller projects through Onlignment or work in collaboration with other developers. Our skills include the development of interactive tutorials, videos, quizzes, games, simulations, decision-making tools, animations, audio and printed materials.

Clive Shepherd bio (PDF - 28K).

e-L for Kids



Related sites

Clive on Learning
Clive on Learning
Where the real action is! Clive's blog is read by thousands of learning and development professionals around the world. Why not you?

Onlignment specialises in online learning and communications, and currently represents the main vehicle for Clive's consultancy work.

30-minute masters
60-minute masters
The 60-minute masters is a world-wide collaborative project aimed at developing the design skills of subject experts.

Doing the Business
Doing the Business
E-learning courses in business communications.

eLearning Network
The eLearning Network
The organisation championing
e-learning in the UK. Clive is currently the Chair.



Legacy tools Here you'll find really, really old stuff that may still do something for you: The Online Trainer's Toolkit, The Intranet Cost-Benefit Calculator, The Communication Method Selector and more.

Legacy features Here you'll find all of Clive's published articles from 1997 to 2003. Obviously not the most topical material, but most of it is still surprisingly relevant.

For a more relaxed read, why not buy the books?

See what happens when expectations clash with reality -



Breaking Through Self-Help Barriers with the 'I Grow Younger' Method

t shirt mockup


Fastrak Consulting Ltd

Fastrak Consulting Ltd

Brighton BN1 6SH
United Kingdom
